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Ахроматичен рефракторен телескоп. Диаметър на лещата на обектива: 127 mm. Фокусно разстояние: 825 mm

Рефракторен телескоп
Оптична конструкция
Апертура – диаметър на лещата, която телескопът използва за събиране светлината или огледало
Фокусно разстояние – разстоянието от основните лещи или огледало до точката, в която се фокусира светлината

ИД на продукт 71075
Марка Explore Scientific
Гаранция 2 години
EAN 0753215774098
Размер на опаковката (Д x Ш x В) 28x115x24 cm
Транспортно тегло 9.92 kg

The classic air-spaced, crown-and-flint, doublet achromatic refractor is reborn with the aim to produce superior-class optical figure in a short (f/6.5) focal length design with Explore Scientific Air-Spaced Doublet AR Series. These optics are an extreme value, produce stunning images of deep sky objects, double stars, planets, and the moon that are a small fraction of the price of comparable aperture apochromat refractors. Finally one can own a diffraction-limited high quality refractor for a relatively modest investment.

Designed to handle the rigors of public star parties and educational outreach, the Explore Scientific AR Series has standard hardware which includes a precision two-speed focuser, a 99% dielectric-coated 2-inch diagonal, and an 8x50 finder scope. You can be confident that the quality and construction of these telescopes will allow heavy use for many years. Fully Multi-Coated Optics The optics in their collimatable lens cell are fully multi-coated to eliminate light scatter and maintain image contrast. We precision collimate every Explore Scientific telescope at our factory to give optimum performance. Although you may never need to adjust optical alignment, the AR Series allows for collimating the lens set should the telescope ever require it. Contrast is further enhanced with multiple baffles that mask and deflect unwanted stray light.

Deluxe Two-Speed Focuser The Explore Scientific Air-Spaced Doublet AR Series telescopes include a precision 2-inch, two-speed as standard equipment. The eyepiece holder uses a compression ring to prevent the eyepiece or camera barrel from scoring. Perfect focus is easily achieved with the Explore Scientific Two-Speed Focuser On those prestine nights of steady seeing, Saturn's Rings can forever affect the hearts and minds of almost anyone who lays eyes on them. It's nights like these that astronomers like to set up their refractors and push the magnification to the limits, not only to see the magnificence of the planet at greater scale but to really test the optical and mechanical quality of the telescope. Many telescopes are only supplied with a standard single-speed focuser, you will find that a tiny nudge will throw out focus and turn your night into one of frustration.

So we included as standard equipment, on all Explore Scientific AR Series, a ten-to-one, two-speed Crayford-style precision focuser with tension adjustment and lock to obtain and hold perfect focus. We think you'll agree that such precision is worth it. Universal Mounting Plate The Universal Mounting Plate of the AR Series Telescopes The Universal Adjustable Mounting Plate of the AR 127 fits on many popular equatorial and Altaz mounts, including mounts supplied by Explore Scientific, Vixen, and Meade LXD55/75. Instead of using a cast metal part, Explore Scientific's Universal Mounting Plate is made from extruded aluminum for added strength, it is afterall what secures your telescope to the mount. We also include adjustment screws and locking bolts to allow adjustments to position the angle of the telescope when it is placed on its mount, an important feature when using an equatorial mount.

Viewing Comfort and the Preservation of Precious Light The Two-Inch Dielectric Diagonal includes a 1.25" eyepiece holder adapter and dust covers to protect the mirror.

The purpose of a diagonal is to securely hold your eyepiece and to give you a comfortable viewing angle. Provided as standard equipment, Explore Scientific's Two Inch Dielectric Diagonal incorporates a light-weight, one-piece diagonal body that securely cradles the precision polished diagonal flat mirror, insuring precision alignment. Ultra-high reflective coatings (99% reflective) composed of multiple thin layers of dielectric material delivers maximum light output. Both 2" and 1.25" eyepiece holders use compression rings instead of a simple set-screw to more securely hold your valued eyepiece (or imaging device) and to minimize scoring of eyepiece barrels. You can thread standard 48mm filters into the barrel. Provided as standard equipment, Explore Scientific's Two Inch Diagonal incorporates a light-weight, one-piece diagonal body that securely cradles the precision polished diagonal flat mirror, insuring precision alignment.

8x50 Finder Scope The Explore Scientific 8x50 Finder Scope provides a true field of view of 6°. Its coated optics provide a bright high-resolution image so that many faint stars and nebulosity can be detected for precise aiming. 8x50 Finder Scope with its Six Point Adjustable Finder Bracket. The front objective can be custom focused to provide a sharp image every time.


  • Optical design: Air-Spaced Doublet achromatic refractor
  • Clear aperture: 127mm
  • Focal length: 825mm
  • Focal ratio: f/6.5
  • Resolving power: 0.9 arc seconds
  • Coatings: fully multi-coated
  • Limiting stellar magnitude: 13
  • Focuser: two-speed Crayford-style, w/adjustable tension and lock
  • Finder Scope: 8x50 straight; adjustable objective focus; dual-ring, six-point, bracket w/quick release shoe
  • Cradle/saddle plate: dual ring style – fits Explore Scientific mounts; Celestron mounts; Vixen mounts; Meade LXD55/75 mounts
  • Tube diameter: 5.13" – 130.4mm
  • Tube length: 34" – 863.6mm
  • Dew cap diameter: 176mm
  • Tube construction: aluminum; stainless steel

The kit includes:

  • Optical tube with removable dew-shield
  • Front and rear dust covers
  • Cradle rings with handle and univsersal saddle plate
  • Two-speed focuser 2.0" I.D.
  • 8x50 Finderscope with six point adjustable bracket
  • 2.0" 99% reflective mirror diagonal with 1.25" adapter
ИД на продукт 71075
Марка Explore Scientific
Гаранция 2 години
EAN 0753215774098
Размер на опаковката (Д x Ш x В) 28x115x24 cm
Транспортно тегло 9.92 kg
Оптична конструкция рефракторен телескоп
Оптична схема ахромат
Оптично покритие цялостно многослойно покритие
Диаметър на лещата на обектива (апертура), mm 127
Фокусно разстояние, mm 825
Най-голямо практическо увеличение, x 254
Отношение на апертурата f/6.5
Прагова стойност на резолюцията, ъглови секунди 1
Гранична звездна величина 13
Диаметър на тръбата на окуляра, in 1,25/2
Визьор оптичен, 8x50
Фокусиращо устройство 2", Крейфорд, 2-скоростно (1:10)
Режим на монтиране на оптичната тръба закрепващи пръстени
Монтировка тип „лястовича опашка“
Материал на оптичната тръба алуминий
Размери на оптичната тръба, mm 131x864
Потребителско ниво опитни потребители, за професионалисти
Наблюдаван обект планети от Слънчевата система и обекти в далечния Космос
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